Pre-Kindergarten Curriculum
*Numerals 1-30
*Counting Objects to 10
*One to One correspondence of objects
*Sorting by various attributes-color, shape, size
*Patterns: AB, AABB, ABC
*Sizes-small, medium, large
*Shapes-square, rectangle, circle, triangle, diamond, heart, oval, star
*Matching symbols, shapes, patterns, etc.
*Same and Different
*More, Less, Same
*Time: Day and Night
*Money: Explore through games, songs, and pretend play
*Exposure to alphabet, letter names and sounds
*Recognize, spell, write first name
*Hold a pencil, marker, crayon correctly
*Retell familiar stories
*Draw pictures and dictate sentences about stories and experiences
*Answer questions about stories
*Repeat simple nursery rhymes and fingerplays
*Concepts of print:left to right direction, holding book right-side-up
*Build new vocabulary
*Build listening skills
*Strengthen visual discrimination
*Develop fine motor skills
*Explore science tools: magnets, magnifying glasses, etc.
*Experience the world through nature walks, gardening, and other explorations
*Observe insect life
*Observe plant growth
*Observe weather and plant life during each season
*Measure and mix ingredients in cooking activities
*Identify basic colors and explore color mixing
*Make observational drawings and dictation
*Explore the world with the five senses
*Investigate animals, the homes they live in, the food they eat
*Name the parts of a body
Creative Arts
*Explore a variety of art processes: painting, drawing, sculpture, weaving, collage, etc.
*Use a variety of art materials: crayons, paint, colored pencils, markers, chalk, clay, etc.
*Experiment with mixing paint colors
*Sing traditional songs and songs that enhance the curriculum
*Participate in movement songs and dances
*Use scarves, rhythm sticks, and bean bags to practice rhythm
*Use a variety of children's instruments
*Participate in dramatic play
*Dramatize familiar stories
*Act out the movements and sounds of animals
Social Skills
*Practice problem solving skills in social situations
*Work in groups or with a partner on a variety of projects
*Share classroom materials with the group
*Practice using manners: please, thank you, excuse me, table manners
*Communicate his/her needs
*Take care of his/her own basic needs: clean up, fasten clothing, use kleenex, etc.
*State personal information: first and last name, age, school name
*Explore types of work and workers
*Explore modes of transportation
*Participate in projects to help others in need
*Use computer programs to create picture stories
*Use a computer mouse: click, click and drag
*Use the internet to explore kid-friendly websites
*Listen to Old Testament and New Testament Bible stories
*Recognize that plants, animals, and human beings are God's creation
*Recognize that God created families to love and take care of each other
*Learn about God's love
*Listen to stories of the life of Jesus
*Learn Jesus' teachings to love God and one another
*Recognize the holiness of Mary
*View symbols of our faith such as: water, the cross, wheat, bread, grapes, etc.
Social Studies
*Recognize that there are many kinds of families
*Name different jobs people have
*Explore varieties of houses
*Learn about needs of a family (shelter, clothing, food, each other)

Kindergarten Readiness
Be able to state first and last name when asked.
Be able to write first name
Use appropriate three-finger grasp when using writing instruments (pencils, crayons and scissors)
Count to at least thirty
Know all the letters in their first name.
Identify basic geometric shapes (triangle, circle, square, rectangle, oval, star, rhombus (diamond) and heart)
Know basic colors (red, blue, green, yellow, orange, purple, black, white, brown, pink)
Identify numerals 1-10 in random order.
Make some letter/sound matches.
Identify most upper and lower case letters.
Use finger to accurately touch count items to ten
Knows concepts of print (front and back of book, which page comes first, track words left to right).
Be able to rhyme words.
Retells simple stories in sequence.
Sort similar objects (by size, color, shape)
Group one, two, three, four, and five objects
Use appropriate gross motor skills (bounce a ball, jump, throw, climb)
Can ab pattern (exp. cat, dog, cat, dog, cat, dog)
Socially Your Child Should Be Able To...
Adjust own clothing before and after using restroom.
Use restroom independently including washing hands without reminder.
Take off and put on outer clothing
Sit for a story without interrupting
Clean up after themselves
Shares materials and toys with other children.
Attend kindergarten with a positive attitude
Be confident and ready to separate from parent.
Be able to listen and follow 2-3 step directions.
Be able to solve problems without aggression.
Help Prepare Your Child By...
Going to interesting places such as the beach, park, zoo, airport, farm or lake. (Example: Use car rides to play I Spy, this encourages children to identify shapes, colors and helps develop their vocabulary in fun ways.)
Encourage your children to observe and talk about their experiences, as conversations with adults who care enrich a child’s vocabulary and understanding of world.
Make eye contact with your child while listening to them speak, showing them that you value what they say.
Expose your child to many kinds of literature by reading to them daily.
Praise and encourage your child’s efforts and curiosity, knowing that from mistakes come learning and confidence. Criticism can discourage children from trying new things and lower self confidence.